Visitor Information
Whether you are looking for a new faith community or just coming for a visit, know that are always welcome here. No matter who you are, whom you love, or where you are on your journey of faith, we invite ALL to join us in the quest to follow Jesus day by day.
Frequently Asked Questions
We are often asked "What should I wear?" or "Can I take communion?" We want you to feel welcome and comfortable from the moment you arrive. Here are some of the things you might find helpful if you are planning to visit St. James. What to Wear It's up to you. Some come dressed in their "Sunday best" while others prefer more casual attire such as jeans and a nice shirt. The same goes for children. We invite you and your family to dress in whatever way you feel is comfortable and appropriate. |
Receiving Communion
All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion in the Episcopal Church. When it is time for you to go forward, an usher will direct your pew. Hold your right hand on top of your left, palms facing up to receive the host. Currently we distribute the Eucharist by a method called "intinction". The priest will dip the bread into the consecrate wine before giving it to you. The priest will say "May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, keep you in life everlasting". You respond by saying "Amen".
If you are not baptized, you may still come forward for a blessing. Simply cross your arms over your chest and the priest will give you a blessing.
All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion in the Episcopal Church. When it is time for you to go forward, an usher will direct your pew. Hold your right hand on top of your left, palms facing up to receive the host. Currently we distribute the Eucharist by a method called "intinction". The priest will dip the bread into the consecrate wine before giving it to you. The priest will say "May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, keep you in life everlasting". You respond by saying "Amen".
If you are not baptized, you may still come forward for a blessing. Simply cross your arms over your chest and the priest will give you a blessing.
Moving About during the Service
Even life-long Episcopalians will ask "When is it okay to move around the sanctuary if I need to leave?" Our general rule is that if you can wait until the hymn after the second reading or during the Passing of the Peace, those are the best times. We understand, especially if you have children with you, that this may not always be possible. Quietly entering or leaving the worship area can also be done while everyone is singing or standing. We ask that, if possible, you do not move around during the readings from Scripture so as not to disrupt others.
Obviously, if the need is urgent, move whenever you need to.
Even life-long Episcopalians will ask "When is it okay to move around the sanctuary if I need to leave?" Our general rule is that if you can wait until the hymn after the second reading or during the Passing of the Peace, those are the best times. We understand, especially if you have children with you, that this may not always be possible. Quietly entering or leaving the worship area can also be done while everyone is singing or standing. We ask that, if possible, you do not move around during the readings from Scripture so as not to disrupt others.
Obviously, if the need is urgent, move whenever you need to.