Ministry OpportunitiesOur parish could not survive without the effort and support of our lay ministers. These are people that give of their time and talents in service to others either on the altar or through outside visits. If you are interested in participating as a lay minister, please contact Fr. Lew after any liturgy or at the parish office - 231-627-6011.
Worship Leader
A worship leader is a lay person who regularly leads public worship under the direction of a member of the Clergy. Worship Leaders are trained and licensed by the diocese. If think you might be interest in this ministry, please talk with Fr. Lew after any service or by calling him at the parish office. Email works as well. |
Acolytes serve our community by carrying the processional cross, lighting candles, and assisting the priest at the altar. Adults and |
Lectors proclaim the scriptures during the Liturgy of the Word and lead the "Prayers of the People". Youth and adults are welcome and will be trained before beginning this ministry. |
St James Episcopal Church of Cheboygan
A parish in the Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes |
Click the button above to make donation to St James. We appreciate your generosity.
stjamescheboygan(at) replace (at) with @ PO Box 253 Cheboygan MI 49721-0253 Parish Office is staffed remotely. Please call to make an appointment, or complete this contact form. |
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